Another Short Story – The Forgotten Man

I was digging around in some of my old files the other day and came across an old StarOffice file that I threw together several years back. At the time I wrote it, I was exploring the idea of how a person, removed from the memory of man, might be able to communicate with the rest of the world. The main character existed in a state where one looking for evidence of his existence would be either unable to recognize it or would subconsciously avoid it. If you’ve read That Which is Nameless you will notice the parallels between the two themes. Unfortunately for the character in my short story, he did not have all the advantages given by the Book nor some of the nastier problems.

This story will likely turn into my next little side project. I wrote that story a long time ago and it will need a complete rewrite to turn it into something worth reading. The file in question was about 890 words long and missing a good chunk of the needed framing for the story. If all goes well, I should be looking for some beta readers in a few weeks or so. Wish me luck!

~ by Chris on .

Short Stories, Writings - Fiction

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