Just Finished Reading – The Killing League
The Killing League by Dani Amore
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The first thing that I noticed about reading this was that percentage counter at the bottom of my kindle display was keeping up with the chapter numbers. Dani used extremely short chapters as a means of quickly bouncing around her cast of characters, giving the book a very fast paced feel. I started out not sure how well this would work in the story and wound up finding that it worked out quite well. With the number of characters in the story, the quickly switching point of view keeps things moving.
There is a degree of graphic violence in the story. Of course, if you’re reading a story titled The Killing League you should really expect quite a bit of violence. Again, it’s not overdone anymore than your average action movie.
Overall, I’d say this is a pretty good read.
Reading - The Other Half of Writing
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